CSC is staying open!!

Fantastic news!! The Center for Sex and Culture, where we hold our monthly programs and other events, will remain open! But they will need to raise rates to help with the large rent increase. They will also be asking for fundraising help from the community. So please donate if you can, and if you have […]

What’s new with the Exiles?

– Monthly Munch, 1st Wed, in Oakland – New orientation format – New website – Patches! – Regular beer busts at the Eagle – Gender-inclusive Folsom Social – Women’s and genderqueer calendar on website Check it out!

Folsom Volunteers Needed

Two exciting opportunities to help celebrate the “Leather High Holidays”, September 25-27. The Exiles is hosting an All Genders Social on Friday. We need raffle ticket sellers, greeters, and help with setup and cleanup. We have a booth at the Folsom Street Fair on Sunday. We need help with setup at 10, take down at […]

All Members Need to Renew

If you haven’t already renewed your membership, do so NOW so you don’t miss out on all of the great benefits of Exiles membership. Click to Renew If you’re not yet a member, plan on attending the Orientation on December 6th.

The Exiles wins the Pantheon of Leather Small Club of the Year Award

From Rio, one of our co-coordinators… Pat and I are delighted to announce that the Exiles is the recipient of the Pantheon of Leather 2015 Award for Small Club of the Year! We are honored and humbled to get this national recognition for the work that we do. Being a club whose emphasis is on […]