The table below shows what each level of membership costs.
Our membership year starts in July, so depending when you renew, costs may vary from the maximums shown below.
(If you have a “comp” membership, you are done, and need not provide any payment.)
Membership Type
Yearly Dues
Regular Membership
Two or more members residing at the same address
Member having financial difficulties.
Must live outside of these counties: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Solano and Sonoma.
- Receives a membership card
- The Lunatic Fringe
- Reduced program admission
- Reciprocal rights
- May attend business meetings
- Vote for and become an officer
- Each person receives Individual Member benefits
- except that they shall receive and share one newsletter per month
- However, each may receive individual electronic copy of newsletter if choosing e-mail option
- Receives all Individual Member benefits
- Receives The Lunatic Fringe
- Reduced program admission only
Add on Supporting Membership and save!
For an additional fee per person ($30 for the full year, reduced by $2 monthly) you get free entry to all programs for the remainder of the membership year. If you have any questions, contact membership (at) theexiles (dot) org for more information.