We will start by learning about the basic anatomy of the Vulva and continue by exploring and discovering all the little nooks and crannies of delight it contains.
We will then discuss edging, teasing, and taunting this delicate area, as well as basic safety tips. This is a gender-inclusive class for Vulva owners and those who desire to get to know the Vulva better.
About our presenters:
As a Fat Positive BDSM presenter, Wanda brings her love and passion for the Lifestyle to her classes. Active in the BDSM Lifestyle since 2005, Wanda enjoys sharing her love of all things sensory, especially things that make others squirm. She can be easily recognized by her big smile. She served as vice president in 2010 and President from 2011 to 2014 for Satyricon, Madison, Wisconsin’s premiere pansexual BDSM educational group. She has previously presented at MTKF, GLLA 2013/2014/2018, Cap Con, Taste of Kink, Corn Con 2015, Quincyfest 2019, and Kinky Kollege 2015/2018/2022. She actively participates in the Wisconsin and Illinois communities and has shared her passion and knowledge with different regional groups.
Wanda is happily Monogamish with her partner. She is a native of Puerto Rico and has lived in Southeast Wisconsin for the last 26 years. She is a Certified Professional Life, Intimacy, and Sex Coach, BDSM Consultant for behavioral health providers, and Kink Informed and Sensate Focus Certified.