
Friday March 21, 2014    
7:30 pm - 10:15 pm


Center for Sex and Culture
1349 Mission St, San Francisco, California, 94544

Event Type

Presented by the Exiles
Doors open at 7:30pm – Programs begins at 8pm


It is election time! The Exiles has been providing educational opportunities for all those who identify as other than male since 1997. The club has changed as times have changed, and now it is time for change again. There are four elected offices that need to be filled during this election. One Co-coordinator, a 2 year term, Treasurer, Recorder, and Membership Officer, all for one year terms. These four positions are elected at the March program meeting. Furthermore, there are seven appointed officers: Newsletter Editor, PR Officer, Orientation Officer, Doorkeeper, Sergeant-at-Arms, Web Site Manager, and Volunteer Coordinator, all of which will be filled at the April 6 business meeting.

If you are interested in any of these offices, please contact the current Co-coordinators, Rio and Lou, at cocos (at) theexiles (dot) org as soon as possible. Any names submitted in advance will be on the ballot, and therefore will be open for absentee voting. Last-minute candidates can declare at the meeting and be voted on as write-in candidates.

Please consider how you can be of service to The Exiles. This is your chance to make an impact and affect the history of BDSM in the Bay Area. In the recent years, we have not been able to fill all the officer positions, increasing the burden on the other officers. However the good news is that many new members have come forward to do their part to revitalize the club. Won’t you join them and create change and renewed enthusiasm for this extraordinary organization?

In addition to elections we will host a game night. Bring your favorite game or join in with others. Surely someone must have a “Twisted” Twister board to bring?!?! We will have the Gay Game and a massive amount of playing cards in case anyone wants to start a game of “Hell”.

Make your voice heard: become a leader.

See you all at the CSC on March 21 at 7:30pm for social time, 8pm for business and elections and then Game Time.

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