
Sunday October 4, 2015    
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm


1200 Lakeshore, Social Room
1200 Lakeshore, Oakland, CA

Event Type

<h2>1200 Lakeshore Avenue, Oakland</h2>
<a href=”https://theexiles.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/200px-Crossed_Gavels.svg_.png”><img class=”alignright size-full wp-image-1466″ src=”https://theexiles.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/200px-Crossed_Gavels.svg_.png” alt=”200px-Crossed_Gavels.svg” width=”200″ height=”190″ /></a>Exiles business meeting are held every month (usually the first Sunday unless it falls on a holiday) from 5pm-7pm. The location alternates between San Francisco and Oakland. All members are urged to join us and welcomed when you do!

Business meetings are open to all members. What happens at business meetings?
<li>All members are urged to participate in discussions</li>
<li>We plan great kinky events</li>
<li>We participate in the running of the organization</li>
<li>After attending two of the previous four meetings, youmay make motions and vote.</li>
<li>Even if you don’t yet have voting rights, your opinions always matter</li>
<li>Officers report on what is happening</li>