
Friday May 23, 2014    
7:30 pm - 10:15 pm


Center for Sex and Culture
1349 Mission St, San Francisco, California, 94544

Event Type

Presented by Q and Skittles

(Note: Special Date)
Doors at 7:30pm – Program at 8pm


What is bootblacking?
How do you get started?
What does it mean to give good chair?
What do you get out of it?
These are a few of the questions Skittles and Q will be answering in their presentation for us on Friday, May 23rd. They will also be covering contents of a basic boot kit, basic blacking techniques, and their own individual connections to bootblacking. So come join us and be sure to bring your kits and your questions.


Presenter Bio(s)



Skittles is an East Coast – Bay Area transplant, and a dapper queer with seven years experience playing within, and outside of, the BDSM community. An experienced rope switch, she is a host of the San Francisco Hitchin’ Bitches where she can be found giggling with the enjoyment of rope. Skittles has been developing her skills as a bootblack, both publicly and privately, and is excited to share.


Q is a queer, poly/non-monogamous, leather boi. Q has presented on a number of topics both abroad, and in the US. An activist for over 15 years and certified sex educator, he is passionate about bringing together the various communities he is a part of; sharing through education and starring in adult films. This charming and flirtatious Southern boi resides in Oakland, CA. He travels extensively for work and play, and is always on the lookout for new adventures along the way. Q is honored to hold the titles of International Ms Bootblack 2008 and Southeast Leatherfest Bookblack 2007.


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